Arantzazu Saratxaga Arregi

Operational Closure

I consider self-organisation to be the main characteristic of complex organisations. It describes processes whose internal organisation is not enforced by external causes, but by the system components themselves.
In second-order cybernetics, operational unity is an epistemic path. Without violating the second law of thermodynamics, it has turned the organisation of systems into a theory of knowledge by including the observer. Therefore, in this view, the world of order, symmetry, concepts, numbers, laws of nature and even objects is not discovered but invented. In this view, the organisation of systems follows an epistemological order. I have worked on theories of operational closure (second-order cybernetics) as an orientation enclave for new ways out of algorithmic determination of complex problems. It requires communication, relationality and dealing with uncertainty.



Heinz von Foersters operatives Denken.
(Operational Thinking of Heinz von Foerster)
Autumn Academy in collaboration with the University of Applied Arts & StadtWien

WS 2020/21

Selbstorganisation and ryzhomatic Ensembles.
(Self-Organization and rythomatic Ensembles)
BA & MA, Media Studies, University of Potsdam

SoSe 2020

Die Innenwelt der Blackbox: Kybernetik der 2. Ordnung.
(The inner world of the black box: 2nd order cybernetics.)
BA & MA, Media Studies, University of Potsdam

WS 2017/18

Drei Stationen einer Genealogie der Kybernetik.
(Three stages in the genealogy of cybernetics.)
BA, Media Studies, University of Potsdam



The hermeneutics of listening: reciving and making distinctions. A dialogue betwenn Heinz von Foerster, Ranulph Gnalville and Gregory Bateson.
ASC 60th Anniversary Meeting, Washington DC.


Teknika eta izatearen eraketa: domestikazioa eta zaintzaren artean
UEU Sommerkurs, Donostia/San Sebastian


On a Gnostic Motif of Cybernetic Epistemology
Tagung: Media Philosophy and theological aesthetics of algorithms. Charles University Prague & GfM 


Process and Ontogenesis: Entropy and self-organisation in embryonic development of organically and inorganically organised structures
Tagung: Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence, Universität für Angewandte Kunst



Einführung: Theorien der Selbstorganisation, Utb Verlag.
(In Bearbeitung)


Cybernetcis for the 21st Century: Eine lange Buchbesprechung.
in: Medienimpuls Zeitschrift
(Coming soon)

But, “we are whirpools in a river of ever flowing water”: Eine Buchbesprechung
In: Medienimpuls Zeitschrift.
(Coming soon)

Liebe: Wenn eine Unmöglichkeit wahrscheinlich wird.
in: Tuczay/Ballhausen (Hg.), Mahrtenehe
(Coming soon!)


Heinz von Foersters Operative Epistemologie: Orientierungsenklaven für eine Erfassung der Komplexität
in: Kybernetes.


Peter Sloterdijk-en antropoteknika: gizakiaren otzantasun- eta luxu-iturri
in: Jon Mentxakatorre eta Aitzol Astigarraga: Adimen artifiziala: filosofia eta teknologie bilgune, UEU.

Wenn die Kontrolle hinterherkommt. Ein Essay zur Kybernetik,
in: Zukunft 01/2023.

A Reconstruction of Epistemological Foundations of Cybernetics. The First Steps in Epistemologies of Complexity,
in: Philosophy Kitchen. Rivista di filosofia contemporanea. N. 18: Cibernetica. Prospettive sul pensiero sistemico, pg. 15-34.


Der Betrug Odysseus‘ und die Wahrheit der technischen Medien,
in: Ballhausen, Thomas (Hg): Zeit und Medien, 2/2022


Zu gnostischen Motiven der operativen Erkenntnistheorie,
in:  Johannes Benke & Virgil Brower (Hg.), Mediality, Religion, Theology, Internationales Jahrbuch für Medienphilosophie, Bd. 7, Berlin.